Friday, February 16, 2007

A Tale of Two Republicans

Just an interesting expose on two different Republicans in the news today.

'...The powerful chairman of the Texas House Appropriations Committee, Warren Chisum, doesn't even believe that the earth revolves around the sun.'

Still, it's enough to set the world a-spinning that the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, the most powerful committee in the House, distributed to legislators a memo pitching crazed wingers who believe the earth stands still -- doesn't spin on its axis or revolve around the Sun -- that Copernicus was part of a Jewish conspiracy to undermine the Old Testament.

Even Roy Moore, James Dobson, and Pat Robertson believe the earth revolves around the sun.

Here's a section from a site that he was telling legislators to go to:

'Levitating Globe

"An electromagnet and computerized sensor hidden in its

display stand cause the Earth to levitate motionlessly

in the air."
Could God have engineered something like that for the real Earth?

The Bible and all real evidence confirms that this is precisely what He did, and indeed:

The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun.

The universe is not one ten trillionth the size we are told.

Today's cosmology fulfills an anti-Bible religious plan disguised as "science".

The whole scheme from Copernicanism to Big Bangism is a factless lie.

Those lies have planted the Truth-killing virus of evolutionism

in every aspect of man's "knowledge" about the Universe, the

Earth, and Himself.

Take your time.

Check it all out.

Decide for yourself.'
Here's a link to that site, if you want it:

And, the scary thing is that these people truly believe what they're saying is true. In his letter to other legislators, he said that Copercnician science was a Jewish Conspiracy to underimine the Old Testament. Never mind that the old testament by and large was written by Jewish prohpets and writers, and that Christ was Jewish, he was the Jewish messiah, the real one, I believe. techincally Christians could be described as Jews who subscribe to the first coming of Christ, and the other Jews don't subscribe to the coming of Christ. So not only does he display rampant insanity, but also anti-semitism, and for no good reason.

Here is yet anohter Republican lawmaker, one who used to be a Democrat, give a bigoted speech and not get called out on national news for it. This isn't the first time either, vrigil Goode's got a good long, hatred towards muslims. This man shouldn't be a congressman, and he givesthe residents of his moderate South Virginia district a bad name. In his speech against a nonbinding resolution against the troop surge in Iraq, he made these comments:

'During today's House debate on Iraq, virulently anti-Muslim Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA) said supporting the anti-escalation resolution would "aid and assist the Islamic jihadists who want the crescent and star to wave over the Capitol of the United States and over the White House of this country." Moreover, he said, "I fear that radical Muslims who want to control the Middle East and ultimately the world would love to see 'In God We Trust' stricken from our money and replaced with 'In Muhammad We Trust.'

What is his major malfunction. He's reacting to the present day threat of radical Islam and radical jihad with the intelligence and dignity of a 5 year old. Look at how childish and idiotic his statements are. This is not the way to react to the present threats to America, and Virgil Goode should be impeached from the House. Wonderful Party, inanit.
So what are your thoughts are this?

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